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Euro Scale Modelling Contest 2014

Published on October 15, 2014, by in Events, News, SpotModel.

SpotModel will support the Euro Scale Modelling contest! The event, organised by IPMS Nederland, will be held on October 25th at NBC-Congrescentrum (NBC) at Nieuwegein, near Utrecht, centrally located in the Netherlands (exactly at the GPS coordinates 52°2.808’N,5°5.412’E Two main exhibition halls (the “Grand Hall” and the “Event Hall”) have been reserved, and IPMS clubs



Leganés National Scale Modelling Contest 2014 – Concurso Nacional de Leganés

Published on April 3, 2014, by in Events.

The 4th National Scale Modelling contest organized by the static modelling society Model 34 took place last weekend at Leganés (Madrid), attending near 16.000 visitors that submitted about 1.100 entries to the contest. What does that means? Well, amongst many other things, it means that it has become the number one national contest by the


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X Concurso de Modelismo ACVAM de Valladolid

Published on June 21, 2013, by in Events.

Last weekend was the “X Concurso de Modelismo ACVAM de Valladolid 2013” which is a hobby show in Spain (with 2000 euros in awards) . I went there like “judge” and I found a really impressive car and bikes models. About 100 cars and bike models was there, and some of them was really amazing.


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AMT 2013

Published on March 13, 2013, by in Events.

La Asociación de Modelismo de Torrent celebrará los días 5, 6 y 7 de Abril el afamado Concurso de Modelismo que todos conocemos. En la web de la asociación está disponible toda la información del concurso así como las bases de participación, las conferencias, fotografías de la edición 2012, etc…  Sin duda una cita ineludible


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Concurso de modelismo de Leganes 2013 – Fotos

Published on March 11, 2013, by in Events.
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IV concurso de modelismo Zaragoza 2013

Published on March 6, 2013, by in Events.

Las fechas para la IV edición del concurso de modelismo de Zaragoza para éste año 2013 son los días 3, 4 y 5 de Mayo. Las bases ya están disponibles y se pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace: Bases Como ya ocurriera en pasadas ediciones, se otorgará un trofeo SpotModel al “Mejor vehículo de Competición”



Concurso Modelismo ACVAM Valladolid 2013

Published on March 1, 2013, by in Events.

La Asociación Cultural Vallisoletana de Modelismo, acaba de comunicar que ya está preparando para los días 14, 15 y 16 de Junio, el X – Concurso-Exposición Internacional de Modelismo ACVAM. El lugar sera el mismo de las ultimas ediciones, en el Centro Civico Juan de Austria, en el Paseo de Zorrilla de Valladolid, al lado del


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